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Government, Public Entities and Health Section

Governo ed enti pubblici

The Government, Public Entities and Health Section was established in 1943 and incorporated civil servants.
Its extended, from manual to clerical workers. The first collective agreement for Public Service employees was negotiated with the Government and signed on the 14th December 1998 but came into force retroactively in 1996. Prior to this collective agreement, a restructuring exercise of all scales and grades within the public administration took place and new salary structures were established for employees in the Public Service. This exercise began between 1991 and 1995. New wages and careers were introduced through negotiations with the Unions. The conditions of employment in the Public Service are laid down in the Constitution of Malta.

Workers within the public administration have a regulatory framework for them. These conditions, benefits and duties derive from the Public Administration Act (Chapter 497 of the laws of Malta) and the regulations of the Public Service Commission and from the Public Service Management Code. In addition, there is a general collective agreement, and it is negotiated with seven unions at once including the Section and several sectoral agreements. They cover different classes of workers and careers.

Throughout the years the Section began negotiating various collective agreements covering authorities, public entities, and regulators.

Nowadays the Unit represents employees within various sectors including:

  • The Public service:
  • The Public Sector:
  • Health and Care for the Elderly – Both in the public service and private sector
  • Corporations
  • Authorities
  • Regulators

The Section represents member workers ranging from manual workers to professionals, both on a full-time or part-time basis, on indefinite contracts or definite contracts. The Section represents its members, negotiates for them, and proposes proposals in the budget aiming to strengthen the rights of its working members.

What does the GWU – Government and Public Entities Section do?

  1. Represents the Members

Our Representatives are the essential link between the members of the GWU and the union. They work closely with the members they represent aiming to strengthen working conditions and raise awareness of both the workplace and national situations.

  1. Negotiations
    Negotiating and bargaining is the process where the union discusses ,  and lays the grounds for better worker conditions with the employers.
  1.  Campaign

The campaign is part of our method to raise awareness of issues, strengthen the conditions of our member workers and gather support for local and international issues.

  1. Fair Justice and Equality

One of the GWU’s main goals is to help members for justice and equality in the workplace and beyond. The challenge against discrimination and winning equality is at the heart of everything the GWU does.


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