
Il-GWU, l-akbar trejdunjin fil-pajjiż, tiċċelebra 81 sena

Economy, News, Politics, Technology, Trade, World and Chronicle

Il-ħamsa ta’ Ottubru hu Jum il-General Workers’ Union, għax proprju f’din il-ġurnata fl-1943 kienet twaqqfet minn grupp ta’...

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Impenjata li tiżgura li kull ħaddiem ikun trattat b’dinjità u rispett – Segretarju Ġenerali Josef Bugeja

Economy, News, Politics, Technology, Trade, World and Chronicle

Il-General Workers’ Union fakkret il-81 anniversarju tagħha bil-kommemorazzjoni annwali tagħha quddiem il-Monument tal-Ħaddiema...

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It-trejdunjins għad għandhom rwol ċentrali fit-tiswir tad-deċiżjonijiet biex jindirizzaw l-anomaliji

Economy, News, Politics, Technology, Trade, World and Chronicle

“Ejjew neliminaw l-inġustizzji u l-isfruttament fuq il-postijiet tax-xogħol,” qal is-Segretarju Ġenerali tal-GWU Josef Bugeja dwar...

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The GWU Pensioners’ Association pays a courtesy visit to the President of Malta Myriam Spiteri Debono

Economy, News, Politics, Technology, Trade, World and Chronicle

Myriam Spiteri Debono, President of Malta, received a courtesy visit from the GeneralWorkers’ Union Pensioners’ Association in...

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In a timely appeal for national foresight, Josef Bugeja,General Secretary of the General Workers’ Union (GWU)

Economy, News, Politics, Technology, Trade, World and Chronicle

General Secretary of the (GWU) has emphasized the need for a long-term strategicplan to guide Malta’s future development. Speaking at the...

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GWU Organizes Sensitivity Training on LGBTIQ+ Workplace Realities

Economy, News, Politics, Technology, Trade, World and Chronicle

The Government and Public Entities section of the General Workers’ Union (GWU) held a comprehensive training session yesterday, aimed...

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President of Malta Meets with General Workers’ Union

Economy, News, Politics, Technology, Trade, World and Chronicle

In a significant meeting at the Presidential Palace, the President of Malta, Myriam Spiteri Debono, warmly welcomed the leadership of the...

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GWU Secures Employee Recognition at Government Printing Press

Economy, News, Politics, Technology, Trade, World and Chronicle

The General Workers’ Union (GWU), through its Government and Public EntitiesSection, has successfully secured the official...

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GWU Calls for Comprehensive National Strategic Plan to Guide Malta’s Future

Economy, News, Politics, Technology, Trade, World and Chronicle

In recent comments, Josef Bugeja, General Secretary of the General Workers’ Union(GWU), underscored the urgent need for Malta to...

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Fighting against forced labour

Economy, Home, News, Politics, Technology, Trade, World and Chronicle

We need foreign workers who are contributors to our economic growth, but no one should take advantage of them. July 30 is United Nations...

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