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MCESD will start meeting social partners

The social dialogue in our country earlier took on another dimension when for the first time, the meeting of the Maltese Council for Economic and Social Development – MCESD – was not held where the Council traditionally met but was held in the quarters of – General Workers Union.

… The first meeting will take place today at GWU

The Maltese Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) has taken an important step where it will start meeting in the quarters of the social partners. The first meeting of these will take place today in the building of the General Workers’ Union, Valletta. This shows that the MCESD also decided to go outside the traditional place where they used to meet. The Government itself had taken a similar step of convening the Cabinet in several places and not as it was done before only in the Berga of Castile. Thus these meetings were given more public attention.

For the Secretary General of the General Workers’ Union Josef Bugeja, this step shows signs of unity among the social partners who start meeting each other. “A sign that shows the unity that exists between the social partners so that we can work together and see everything that needs to be done for the good of our society and to move forward,” said Bugeja.

He said that today’s meeting will be the first meeting of its kind but in the coming time more meetings will be held by MCESD at other social partners. In this way, the General Secretary of the GWU continued to say, a strong signal is being sent of how alive the social dialogue in Malta is and also about the importance of the MCESD to plan the country’s development. and implement policies that are needed.

On the agenda in today’s meeting there will be a discussion about the Government’s public procurement and about the National Skills Council. It is understood that the latter is very close to the heart of the GWU because it covers the skills, competences and knowledge on the part of the workers and the job opportunities that are being created in our economy in order to fill them.

So much so, that the GWU claims that we should no longer talk about jobs but about a career because the world of work is constantly changing mainly due to the advances in technology, which are bringing the world of work she is unrecognizable from what she was a few years ago.