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The International Section of the General Workers’ Union

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The International Section of the General Workers’ Union was founded during the 2017 National Congress and Mr Jason Deguara was elected as the first International Section Secretary. The National Section’s main responsibility is to distribute international work and assignments and allocate responsibilities to experts within the various trade unionistic fields. 


Since the International spectrum is vast, the GWU depends on the contribution and availability of the Administration, the Section Secretaries, the Delegates and Shop Stewards to attend meeting in specific areas. In recent years, the General Workers’ Union has sent several Shop Stewards on courses related to industrial relations to gain more experience and get a better understanding of the European perspective and EU laws. Our aim is to continue sending more Shop Stewards and to empower them with the necessary tools in union related matters.


Furthermore, every Section within the GWU is affiliated to several confederations and our Section Secretaries attend meetings to discuss key issues related to ongoing and current situations and matters related to the future of employment.


The General Workers’ Union is also an active member of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) which are the official umbrellas of the European and International Unions. As members of these Confederations the GWU’s central Administration, amongst them our Secretary General, Mr Josef Bugeja attend high level meetings and actively contribute to the discussions.

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