What do you need to know about this section?
This section is one of eight sections that make up the GWU. Its aim is to represent and protect its members who are mainly from the private sector of electronics, technology and telephony. The workers who fall under this section range from production workers, skilled workers, technicians, engineers and professionals. In this section we find;
- Companies from the automotive sector
- Companies in the electronics sector
- Companies of communication
- Printing companies
All workers can become members of the union. No job can stop you from having a union to represent and protect you.
Among the many companies the section works with, it is a leader in ST Microelectronics, GO plc and De La Rue, Crane, Method, Gasan Enterprises, Gutenberg and HID Global. This means that the section secretary will always be present when there is a discussion on decisions that affect workers, such as working conditions and wages. The management of such companies can never take steps without consulting the union.

Why should you become a member?
- To have a union that represents you and always stands for equal rights in the workplace
- To negotiate rights and working conditions
- To always stand up for fair justice and equality
- To build a relationship with companies
- To provide representation for individual grievances
There are very rare situations where the union cannot help, but GWU always does everything possible to make sure member workers get everything that is right for them. When workers are underappreciated in the workplace, it can lead to mental health issues that can even lead to financial and family problems. As a union, we stand up for our members’ rights not only in the workplace, but also in everyday life. We do this because we see our members holistically, both at work and in their lives outside work.
As soon as the members of a company join the union, delegates and shop stewards are selected to represent the workers and to handle all communications between the workers and the section secretary. These are the ambassadors of the GWU, they are the first line of information.
When the union is recognised, the secretary starts working with the workers and the management on the Collective Agreement, which is valid for a period of years as agreed between all parties. The collective bargaining agreement is approved by the membership in a special vote. Once the agreement is approved, the secretary and the workers’ representatives, together with the management of the company, sign the agreement.
The Secretary of the Technology, Electronics and Communications Section

David Darmanin has represented this section as Secretary since 2015. He has been active in industrial relations for 36 years and within the GWU as a delegate and Shop sterward. David’s hobbies are classic cars, the sea, he loves animals and campaigning for the improvement of workers’ rights.