After several meetings between the officials of the Civil Protection Union (CPU) and the officials of the General Workers Union (GWU), it was agreed that the GWU would accept the workers of the Civil Protection Department into its ranks. This was done after an absolute majority of the workers concerned voted in favor of this affiliation.
The two unions have always had a very good relationship and mutual respect, as well as coinciding principles, but this accession will definitely strengthen relations between the two sides and help improve conditions.

The officials of CPU said that they are honoured to be affiliated with GWU and that after all the discussions they have had, they finally see their idea come to fruition. They strongly believe that while they have managed to improve conditions for their workers as a small union, this move will enable them to go even further.
The secretary of the Disciplined Bodies, Security and Law Enforcement Section within the GWU, Theo Vella, stressed that the section feels privileged to also support these workers and looks forward to this work continuing and working together for the benefit of the workers concerned.
GWU General Secretary Josef Bugeja said he appreciated and was proud of the unity between the two unions, and that this union could do a lot of good.
“Any collective agreement is something living, as the world of work is constantly changing, and therefore it will always be necessary to make the necessary changes. Through this merger, I am honored that the section now has members from all the professional associations in our country,” Bugeja said.
Also present are the president of CPU David Cassar and several other members of the central committee of the same union.