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More than 400 correctional officers with an increase in salary of at least €5,000 per year

The first collective agreement for administrative workers of the Agency for Correctional
Services was also signed.
A second collective agreement was signed for correctional officers, which will result in a salary increase of at least €5,000 per year, with an investment in workers of at least €33 million over five years (2025-2030).
These increases do not include other improvements that these officers and their families will benefit from, as the increase in the base salary is complemented by, among other things, a substantial increase in the correctional officer allowance, the active duty allowance, and the shift allowance.

It was this administration that, for the first time, gave these workers the right to join a union and negotiate a collective agreement, with the first one being signed in 2021.

Through this collective agreement, the fair financial compensation for hours worked beyond the 40-hour workweek was strengthened. Before this administration, a correctional officer was required to work 46 hours without being compensated for the six additional hours worked. This second agreement now changes that compensation into overtime, so the worker will begin to be paid on the principle of time-and-a-half, which means more take-home pay. In addition to the increase in the base salary, the worker will also receive stronger overtime pay.

This continues to strengthen the principle that this government ensures that workers in the Disciplined Corps are valued and paid for every hour worked.

This collective agreement is the result of social dialogue together with the union representing the workers – the General Workers’ Union, Section for Disciplined Corps, Security, and Law Enforcement – with negotiations led by the Industrial Relations Section of the People and Standards Directorate and the Ministry for Internal Affairs, Security, and Work.

Along with this collective agreement for correctional officers, for the first time, an agreement was also signed for the administrative workers of the Agency for Correctional Services. This agreement strengthens the rights and conditions of about 20 other workers with an investment exceeding one million euros over five years. Among the improvements, with new salary rates based on the full collective agreement of the Public Service, the workers will enjoy a fixed overtime rate of time-and-a-half from Monday to Saturday, and two hours per hour on Sundays and public and national holidays. They will also receive a one-time payment of €2,500, along with an increase of at least €2,000 per year in allowances.

Regarding these agreements, the Minister for Internal Affairs, Security, and Work, Byron Camilleri, reiterated that there are no law enforcement forces without the workers, and today, not only do we have the largest number of workers, but we also have the best conditions. He explained how these workers, along with others, were instrumental in making a total change in the prison system in recent years, from a prison full of drugs to an ordered prison with a genuine attempt at rehabilitation. Therefore, investments continue to be made in them, and they are given the trust to continue their work and improve their service. These agreements now bring the total number of agreements signed in the last five years in this ministry to eighteen, while it was ensured that every security entity has an agreement with its workers.

He argued that while the work performed by these workers is invaluable, these agreements once again reward the worker and their family. He concluded by stating that these are the first of a series of agreements to be signed this year, with discussions ongoing.

For his part, the Permanent Secretary, Tony Sultana, said that the collective agreements signed today are not isolated agreements but part of a series of agreements that touch on many areas, all of which provide better conditions for workers. This year, we have continued to implement this strategy, as with today’s agreements, seven agreements have already been concluded. Mr. Sultana also mentioned that, apart from financial conditions, emphasis is always placed on the work-life balance. He is therefore very positive that the workweek of the Corps within the Agency for Correctional Services has now been established as 40 hours.

Additionally, training opportunities and other investments will be enhanced. This further confirms how attractive public administration is for those seeking a solid career and, through it, serving society.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Agency for Correctional Services, Chris Siegersma, said that the new collective agreement for the Agency for Correctional Services is an important step in improving the working conditions of employees. He reiterated that this agreement not only recognizes the contribution and dedication of the workers but also helps in providing better and more effective service within the correctional system.

The General Secretary of the General Workers’ Union, Josef Bugeja, said that these
agreements are part of the industrial revolution that has taken place in the Disciplined Corps since they were given the right to join a union, and the GWU has worked fully to ensure that workers advance in their conditions. He explained that this was not the first collective agreement to be signed, and several others have been signed within all the Disciplined Corps represented by the Disciplined Forces Section within the General Workers’ Union, all of which have advanced, and this is part of the industrial revolution taking place within the Disciplined Corps.

The Secretary of the Disciplined Forces Section within the General Workers’ Union, Theo Vella, explained that with these agreements, all workers are seeing improvements in their salary, while he referred to the first collective agreement for administrative workers within the Agency for Correctional Services, who previously had individual contracts and are now grouped together under the collective agreement, meaning the Agency can operate more effectively.

The collective agreements were signed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Agency for
Correctional Services, Chris Siegersma, the Head of Operations of the Agency for
Correctional Services, Colonel Etienne Scicluna, the Secretary of the Disciplined Forces
Section within the General Workers’ Union, Theo Vella, along with employee representatives Victor Galea and Antonio Bonnici. The signing was presided over by the Minister for Internal Affairs, Security, and Work, Byron Camilleri, Permanent Secretary Tony Sultana, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for Internal Affairs, Security, and Work, Joyce Dimech, and the General Secretary of the General Workers’ Union, Josef Bugeja.