MEP Alex Agius Saliba visits the General Workers’ Union
During a visit by MEP Alex Agius Saliba to the General Workers’ Union building, the
candidate for the European elections met with the GWU administration. Together
they discussed some of the most important issues in our country and proposals.
They agreed on the importance of the continuous communication and contact
between them, which has led to building the solid relationship they have today.
The GWU administration mentioned the various initiatives they have worked on
together, including the right to disconnect and a directive on a decent minimum
wage. During the meeting, MEP Agius Saliba and the administration also discussed
some of the important proposals the GWU has put forward for the 2024 budget,
including the increase in the minimum wage, on which there was unanimous
agreement both between the social partners and from the government, the rise in the
cost of living, the need to combat inflation and the fight against labour abuse.
“This is one of the reasons why we insist on automatic trade union membership.
Even the European Union has recognised the importance of collective bargaining, so
according to the same directive, it should be extended to 80% of workers.”
They discussed the cost of living situation in our country, which affects everyone.
MP Agius Saliba supported the GWU’s proposals that small importers can be
granted low-interest loans to import food on the condition that they stabilise food
prices for a certain period of time and the other proposal to set up websites so that
consumers can compare prices.
“Through a continuous dialogue between us, we must continue our work so that we
can continue to make a difference in people’s lives in addition to protecting the rights
of workers and consumers in our country,” said GWU Secretary General Josef Bugeja .