Written by Economy, News, Politics, Technology, Trade, World and Chronicle

Former workers and Union Print workers meet at the GWU building

Last Friday, former workers and even labourers of Union Print, the company that
publishes the newspapers Orizzont, Torcha as well as the portal Talk.mt, met at an
event organised for them at the -GWU building.

Participants included the former editor of Orizzont, Frans Ghirxi, and the former
editor of Torça, Alfred Briffa. They were joined by workers who used to print the
newspapers and even others who worked in the administrative offices. Veteran
journalists were also present, including John Pisani, who, when he was an employee
of the company, provided excellent service on Kronaka news.

Even though some years have passed, the love of journalism has remained alive in
these people and they all have vivid memories of their experiences when they
worked with the GWU company.