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GWU signs new collective labour agreement for DHL employees (Malta)

A new collective labour agreement has been signed between the General Workers’
Union (GWU) and DHL (Malta). The agreement, which covers the period 2023-2026,
provides for better working conditions for all employees. The agreement was signed
by Riccarda Darmanin, Secretary of the Professional, Finance and Services Section
of the GWU and Dimitris Papas – Country Manager Malta – DHL Express and Walid
Fettane as shop steward representing the workers.

Following the signing of the collective agreement, Mr Papas thanked all those
involved in the negotiations, which were conducted with mutual respect and with the
will to further improve the working conditions of the employees.

Darmanin, on behalf of GWU, expressed her satisfaction with the way the
negotiations were conducted, in which all parties showed good will, resulting in a
satisfactory outcome for all involved. She also thanked the committee members for
their commitment and the employees for their trust in the GWU. DHL (Malta)
employs a total of 92 people.