The GWU has declared an industrial dispute against the Lands Authority due to a dispute between GWU members at their workplace, as they feel they are not being treated fairly and equally.
The disagreement arose because there were workers who performed the same duties and had the same rank.
However, one worker who had applied for and received a higher degree continued to perform the same duties as before. This situation disrupted harmony in the workplace, and many GWU members also felt they were not treated fairly because there are different salaries between grades.
The GWU recognizes the right and responsibility of the Management Authority. However, it adds that the management of the Lands Authority is creating a conflict with the collective bargaining agreement in effect because there are employees in different grades doing the same work, and the situation is creating a conflict among members.
Therefore, the Government and Public Entities Section within the GWU declared an industrial dispute and asked for a conciliation meeting with DIER to resolve this matter.